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Saturday, May 14, 2011

Pests and parasites in your food

!±8± Pests and parasites in your food

Before going into details of the unpleasant aspects of parasites in food, I have a selection of parasites that may be of general interest, or processed as a result of customer requests. May not be the exotic part of the world on the road, but here mentioned the international market has a way these parasites get to you, as a handshake, or touching a contaminated handle in a restaurant by a device that could have served just arriving in yourCountry.

I will include basic information on these pests from the viewpoint of what they are, how you catch them and some of the symptoms that you receive, if infected.

Blastocystis hominis

Blastocystis hominis is a microscopic parasite in the world with the feces of humans, abdominal pain, diarrhea and other gastrointestinal symptoms were found. The infection is called Blastocystosis.

Many people can carry in their gut Blastocystis years. ManyThe airlines have Blastocystis, some without ever having symptoms.

Blastocystis hominis is causing the symptoms is still controversial. It often appears along with other stakeholders, that the real cause of the symptoms commonly associated with Blastocystis infection may be involved. Blastocystis hominis Sun, a single indicator that other pathogens are present.

Suppose a harmless yeast, Blastocystis hominis, a microscopic single-celled parasite. The situation islike a tiny animal - hunting and gathering other microbes for food.

Blastocystis hominis enters the intestine through fecal-oral route, as when a person preparing food, wash your hands thoroughly after not using the toilet. Travelers often pick Blastocystis hominis in countries with low standards of hygiene and personal care.

If you have Blastocystis hominis in stool but no signs or symptoms, you probably do not need treatment. Even if youThe symptoms, the infection can resolve Blastocystis for themselves. If you have signs and symptoms do not improve, clean read the information on natural resources and contact us.

Symptoms associated with Blastocystosis, unexplained weight loss, diarrhea and abdominal pain or cramps, bloating and flatulence, nausea, anal itching and include fatigue.

A major consideration (now retired) Homeotoxicologist I used to write with the job:

I have a few cases, but not so many people like meexpected given the amount I've read about it. There seems to be diagnosed at the time! I never found Blastocystis hominis alone. Neither I have no problem, had to get rid of, at least not more than any other pests. I suspect that many people take them to a level that pathogens for them. This would explain why I do not find very often.

According to my knowledge, is almost always a different parasite / pathogen Blastocystis hominis later. When I foundBlastocystis hominis first, I was very suspicious and look ahead.

If Blastocystis hominis alone, so I want to clean nosode drainage and the normal dose of natural and again in 4 weeks. After then I would increase the dose or add something different to the treatment, so the results if necessary.

As they say, there are many ways to achieve the desired results and 5 capsules natural cleaned daily, as you suggest it should. Of course, ifalso there are many other pests, then clean 5 x natural, but you will get.

Entamoeba histolytica

This is the most dangerous species of amoeba. As with most single-celled protozoa, Entamoeba histolytica has two forms: trophozoites and cysts.

When trophozoites found in the digestive tract, where it feeds on bacteria and intestinal tissue. If diarrhea occurs in trophozoites passed liquid stools. If the diarrhea is not present, cysts form. These cysts are resistant toTemperature changes and the environment and spread by direct contact from person to person or through food and water.

amoebic dysentery is due to the negligence of hygiene where contaminated food and drinks will be consumed without adequate heat treatment, so I guess that is not just a case of what came to dinner, but also those who are ready, where and under what conditions? If you include contaminated food, swallow the trophozoites occurs it is unlikely thatusually die of stomach acid. However, some cysts are particularly resistant to the acid content of the stomach and food contaminated with cysts can be a real risk of infection.

"Histolysis" the collapse and disintegration of organic tissue. Entamoeba histolytica can bore straight through the stomach wall into the bloodstream. From there it was carried to vital organs. Although rare, when organisms enter the portal vein migration route to theLiver, can induce liver abscess resulting cause localized edema and bleeding in the gut.

The infection can last for years and no symptoms of both, some gastrointestinal symptoms, accompanied by an adult with dysentery blood and mucus. Complications include ulcerative and abscess pain, and in some cases, intestinal obstruction. The absence of symptoms or their intensity varies with factors such as fatigue of amoeba, immune status and health and any furtherViruses. The amoeba enzymes is to help them penetrate and digest human tissues secrete toxic substances in return. A viable cysts can cause infection.

Although deaths are rare, Entamoeba histolytica, especially in tropical areas, particularly in communities where refugees were allowed to hygiene to deteriorate. It 'also frequently diagnosed among homosexual men.

A word to the amoeba that Nepal is very aggressive. In recent decades there hasbecome common practice for climbers and hikers visit to Nepal, where the parasites are found in streams and other water sources. Trekking through the rivers of the amoeba can be picked up on the soles of your shoes. When travelers do not always clean their boots after each walk are Nepalese Amoeba inadvertently run return journeys and are now in countries such as the Alps, the Pennines and the Rocky Mountains.

Guinea worm

Guinea-worm disease or dracunculiasis is aparasitic worm infection occurs mainly in Africa, especially in Sudan. There is a thread-like parasitic worm that grows and develops in humans.

Prof. Keith Scott-Mumby writes on his medical Web site allergy, a parasite on the dreaded Guinea worm uses a human host, it travels under the skin, which leads easily visible, and can grow to several feet in length, causing great . get rid of the pain and damage. The traditional way of these worms is at one end by a section in the graveskin and wound around a stick;. by wrapping the embroidery over a period of days, the worm is pulled out slowly "

should be "Readers may be aware that the traditional symbol for a doctor to the snake wrapped around a pole. This has always been a snake, but a serious proposal that is the creature of the Guinea worm and the sign of a healer is a man, get rid of this annoying pest! go forward with this proposal. would also be sensible for a quote from the Bible,of the Israelites in their journey back from Egypt: "And the Lord sent fiery serpents by the people, and they bit the people, and many people of Israel died And the Lord said to Moses, Make a fiery serpent and set it up. a pole, and it shall be that everyone who is bitten, when he looks at it, shall live '. "NUMBERS 21:06

An infection occurs when people drink stagnant water with a tiny water flea that is infected with Guinea worm larvae.In the course of a year to penetrate the human body, the immature worms in the intestinal wall, grow into adulthood, and mate. The males die and the females make their way through the body, growing to a maximum length of 3 meters, and the lands near the surface of the skin, usually in the legs.

appears a few days before the worm, the person may develop a fever and swelling and pain in the area where the worm. A blister develops and then opens into a wound. If the woundimmersed in water, the worm begins to emerge. Most worms appear on the legs and feet, but can occur anywhere on the body. After the worm emerges, the wound is often painfully swollen and infected.

The worms cause swelling and painful, burning blisters. To soothe the burning sensation you hit the water tends to go out to burst the bubbles, created so that the worm and a new generation of millions of larvae. In the water are the larvae of water fleas and ingestion of smallthe cycle begins again.

Who drinks standing pond or well water by persons with Guinea worm infection from contamination is at risk - especially those who live in villages that depend on aquatic life is good.

The most effective treatment is to remove the worm over many weeks by winding around a stick and pulling out a bit 'at a time. Sometimes the worm can not be completely in a few days, but the process can take several weeks.

During the time that the wormis created and removed, the person is suffering severe pain and often do not continue to work or daily activities. Farmers can not raise their tendency to, parents can not care for children and children not attending school. Even after the worms are gone, people are often left with paralysis and irreversible scarring. The infection does not produce immunity, and many people in the affected villages, the disease each year.


Leishmaniasis is spread by the bite of sand flies smallafter biting an infected animal or human (a rodent or dog) were infected. Since sand flies do not make noise you hear when flying, people are not aware of their presence. The main reason for military personnel returning from the Gulf region to Great Britain or the United States is forbidden to donate blood - leishmaniasis can be spread through blood transfusions or contaminated needles. New cases of leishmaniasis each year, estimated that about 2 million €.

About 350 million people live in the tropical andsubtropical areas affected by sand flies, including Mexico, Central America, from northern Argentina to southern Texas, southern Europe, Asia (excluding South-East Asia), Middle East and mainly affected the East and North Africa.

cutaneous leishmaniasis caused Oriental sore, pain, and with a nasty blister that heals like a cancer. The sores can change in size and appearance over time. They look like a volcano with a raised edge and is painless or very painful. Some people have inflatedGlands near the sores (for example, under the arm, if the wounds on the arm or hand)

visceral leishmaniasis damage the function of internal organs (spleen, liver, bone marrow). People who develop visceral leishmaniasis usually have fever, weight loss and an enlarged spleen and liver (usually the spleen is bigger than the liver). Many patients have swollen glands. Some blood tests are abnormal, for example, patients usually have low blood counts, including a low red blood cellcount (anemia), low white blood cell count and low platelet count.

Leishmania donovani is the style of red alert, because it attacks the macrophages in the body and can kill its host within a year.

Macrophages are a type of white blood cells, the foreign body can take. They are key players in the immune response to foreign invaders such as infectious microorganisms and help to destroy bacteria, protozoa and tumor cells. Macrophages also release substances that stimulateother cells of the immune system.

Leishmania donovani is to overcome the immune system and wipe out any response from either the helper T-cells or inflammatory. Leishmania donovani as it only works with certain types of cells survive, they are picky about where they live. blocked in macrophages of the body, the antibodies can not recognize or they reach and the spread of leishmaniasis is disabled.


Dr. Clifford DACs, a professor at the Baylor College of Medicine,recalls a case he was involved in the work in the area of ​​San Diego for over a decade.

"A friend of mine, a professor of biology (University of California-San Diego) a dinner for 40 people. He served sushi and a few pieces had to have in his refrigerator for the next day. 'State Sunday, and called me at home panic because things were crawling out of the sushi. I went there, and sure enough he was right. I took it to the laboratory and identifiedWorms, nematodes, Anisakis simplex. Half the guests were treated for parasites. "

Anasakid is a parasite of marine animals like sea lions and sea elephants. The first part of its life cycle is spent at sea fishing. Along the U.S. Pacific coast, commercially important species such as salmon and Pacific rockfish (Pacific red snapper), the infestation can be more than 80 percent. An FDA study published in The Lancet in 1990, said that the average number of Anisakisdress for a salmon larvae of medium size is 46 The study estimates that on average provides about 1,000 pieces of salmon sushi size meat, putting the possibility of swallowing an Anisakis larva in one in 22 there is the front of the fish, however, where the sushi chefs prefer to have on their wheels - and the front bears a disproportionate number of infected larvae in a salmon - can be enhanced to allow in 13

larva ingested live attaches to the stomach wall may cause excessiveallergic reaction that may seem at first to be an allergic reaction to food. When the worm perforates the stomach wall and enters the abdominal cavity, the symptoms suggest acute appendicitis or a stomach ulcer. Since man is not the end of this worm host species, cough as happy to support the parasite customs-and-a-half-long period. For most others, are in place fiber-optic endoscopy and remove the worm is grappling with the tool of the endoscope.

A medical diagnostic anisakidWorm able to exhibit the symptoms of Crohn's disease so that the real culprit in front of false discoveries and treatment towards recovery.

For all the parasites we recommend natural cleansing in collaboration with Natural Balance. Natural Cleanse is carefully balanced and very broad spectrum of different groups of parasites.

Parasites in food

During this "Rogues Gallery" series, I have examples of parasites in the light of ourFood chain - up to 1,000 larvae of the parasite in a cubic centimeter of beef in beef or pork tapeworm, toxoplasmosis in cooked pork, lamb or game, Giardia vegetables, salads and fruits. Our model of international traffic has increased the consumption of exotic foods and raw and the globalization of our diet is a risk of contracting food-borne parasites.

Although the origins of food parasitology coincided with the development of the microscope, a few successTest methods have evolved. Among the many reasons is the belief that the disease parasites are seen in humans in order only in the context of tropical medicine, despite the mounting evidence of its prevalence in temperate and arctic climates, too.

The Institute of Food Technologists expert group on food security and nutrition says. "There are about 107 known species of animals that may be food-borne parasitic infections, although not all species are reported affected by domestic sources of foodor infect consumers in the United States and its territories is likely to increase the chance that in recent years with the emergence of a truly global market. global statistics on foodborne diseases caused by parasitic infections have been difficult to assess. Norman R. Stoll 's classic "The Wormy World" (Stoll, 1947) estimated that the world population of 2.2 billion people, there were 664 million Ascaris lumbricoides infections (30% prevalence) and 355 millionInfection with Trichuris trichiura (16%), the upgrade from Michael et al. (1997), an estimated 1.273 million (24%) and € 902 million (17%) infection 50 years later, when the human population of 5.6 billion euro. "

The parasites can be clearly seen in our food and water and can cause a variety of diseases. The words "Para" and "Sitos" comes from greek and means "Next" and "food." Parasites derive their nourishment and protection from other living things, mostly with injuries.

Theirbest approach is common sense: wash your hands thoroughly and regularly, especially before preparing or eating food. Drinking water is becoming an act of faith, but are looking for pure water systems have tested a filter for water, thoroughly wash the vegetables, if you eat meat, make sure it is well cooked, clean toilet seats before their Use When you wash your hands, remember that there are enough space to fit one million of Giardia cysts in a single nail.

YouWhat you can do to make your immune system. Vitamin A increases the resistance to penetration into many tissues such as carrots, pumpkin, sweet potatoes, potatoes and vegetables are in your diet. Your body can and will get rid of parasites, if you have the right nutrients natural.

Breastfeed her baby for as long as possible. Breast milk has properties that fight protozoa (Giardia and amoebas) - your puppies and kittens deworm regularly - wash your hands after contact with animals is cut, and sweetened drinksanything with aspartame, depends on their "diet" or "lite" beverages and artificial sweeteners completely. Colas has to stun a pH of 2.8 and white blood cells in the immune system for up to 6 hours.

The truth is that there is a restaurant somewhere in that word today that you can trust. You will be a certain parasitic cysts ingest every day. Only the hope that they will break your stomach. If they do not, you have a small zoo in you. The reason for greaterLongevity is now more on the improvement of hygiene conditions, such as medical advances, but there is insufficient evidence to support the one who decides if we live a long and healthy life or die early, as we have parasites.

Pests and parasites in your food

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Monday, May 2, 2011

Protective clothing protects your business

!±8± Protective clothing protects your business


processing of technical textiles is placed on the snow storm in the world. In this globalization of science and technology, new technologies such as fine chemicals, fiber optics, high polymer plastics, resins, temperature resistant textile fibers, composite fibers, etc., have improved alternative form of technical fabrics and update the production model, consumption and trade is a significantWay.


Besides the traditional textile practice are technical textiles from various industries such as banner ads, automotive, agriculture, aviation and civil engineering, chemical, leather, horticulture, medicine, mining, oil, packaging , pharmaceutical, electrical, environmental protection, food, used furniture, printing, rubber, transportation, and protective clothing, etc.

It includes protection against cuts, nuclear, biological and chemicalDanger, high voltage and static electricity and other impacts to hard bites, explosions, abrasion, ballistics, fire and excessive heat, dust and particles. Therefore, there is a requirement that the machinery and sensitive equipment, clean rooms, or for maintaining the store, offering them to cover and protect workers, providing protective equipment for the job.

Personal Protective Equipment (PPE)

AfterEuropean Council Directive 89/856/EEC, protective clothing, which must be created or held for protection against one or more health risks and safety of users running from a single tool or method is called protection activities staff and short-form E 'referred to as PSA. To cut the potential risks significantly different for the employees of maximum protection PPE is applied after all the planning, training and proceduralEfforts.

There are three types of protective equipment for hazards / risks:

. Low Risk Protective Equipment: This falls into the category I: low risk, or anything that personal protective equipment like gloves, hats, shoes, sunglasses, clothing traditional work, etc.

. Media risks Personal protective equipment: This falls into the category of type II: medium risk.

. High Risk Personal Protection: This falls into Category III:As the airways / lung related equipment for firefighters, gloves, etc. works at very high temperatures for the operation very risky.

DPI program for safety

In the workplace, because often the main threats in the form of:

. Mechanical damage

. Soaring elements / dust generated during the process

. Hot, concentrated light, sound and dust

. radiation chemical waste, bacteria, pollution, gas

. Unpleasant weather /Unconditional work

Check In considering the application or program of PSA and risks is necessary to analyze the nature of the risks and take steps accordingly. Although many changes in the workplace often post is a must.

In any organization, dangerous drop offs and risks are as follows:

. Abolition - Fist and, therefore, most of it is, dangerous or hazardous work is the place where the work is itself a major step towards removingthat reduce the risk.

. Substitution - Substitute a risky or dangerous work practice with a less dangerous location information.

. Segregation - people who are not educated informed at work, in short, to the dangerous practice / areas as the danger zone.

. Engineering - There are some changes in the device or the provision of guards for machinery.

. Awareness / training program - including training to increase awareness of the dangers to reduce workplacePlaces.

. Personal protective equipment - should be used only when other control measures is not possible, or to increase security, this is not the last acceptable alternative.

The application of PSA is inevitable in some methods or processes. Protect eyes with glasses, her face shielded with covers, are the legs with the whole / special shoes or boots and helmets to head with the equipment of this type, where workers go on forever because of the sudden needExhibitions. But there is no alternative place of personal protective equipment.

Protective clothing

treated largely as a personal protection

From a simple request for a special apron dresses, there are so many, the availability of protective clothing. For the special protection of the environment in the following garments made of special protective clothing PPE products.

. Fire / Flame

. Dirty Weather

. Nuclear infectivity

.Mechanical damage

. Electricity (static electricity) / Electronic Industry

. Freezing and low temperature

. Ballistics

. Emission of radiation / radioactive release

. Bacterial / viral

. Chemical / Gas

The fine particles in the process in the food or pharmaceutical manufactures

During the production of coarse goods, like food, electronics, protective clothing for the environment or lint-free anti-static is required, andHigh visibility clothing room clean and clean environment is required. A surgical barrier between the dangers and support by wearing protective clothing, but to all the essential conditions of coated fabrics to the highest operating materials are found in a wide range of uses to protect against risks and is expected as needed or application of the operations of employment or work.

After fiber materials are used personal protective equipment orClothing

flame retardant (FR) finish for thermal protection

To protect against fire and heat, used a unique flame retardant finish on the fabric. may influence the use of certain specialty chemicals appearance. In most economical option for use in less severe, the newly developed polyester fibers and acrylic or special fire-retardant fibers such as aramid fibers are widespread. The clothing is woven with many more layers of different materials with the process of knitting and buildingsVello. A layer of fabric made detailed purposed, such as fire protection, vapor barrier and insulation, etc. In the field of glass, fire, welding, foundry, or the application of heat-resistant clothing is applicable. To counter the spray of molten metal or special surface finishing operations are necessary. Cotton is also used for electric arc protection.

breathable fabric laminated to very cold temperatures

A layer of air between the dead body andis done outside, so that the body temperature is not dissipated by conduction of heat or interfere in any way, in extreme cold environment. breathable fabric laminates of different materials are often applied to personal protective equipment while working to protect it with a cold temperature of the cold.

Unique lamination protection against bacteria / virus

There are two methods, while the use of materials in the production of PPE. Through a unique interface adds a bactericidalTextile immediately, subject to certain conditions, the active ingredient is often discharged gradually. The second method is by coating or rolling craft a barrier material.

bulletproof vests used in ballistic protection

bulletproof vests used by police and defense applied in the ballistic protection of high-tech fibers. According to the requirement, a large number of possible answers to this type of production, although in this segment are very similar to fire personalEquipment and their needs.

material covered lead for radiation protection

According to the classification and the emission of radiation or danger, in case of textile materials for personal protective equipment according to the actual requirement is a bit 'more complex. lead-coated material is used for X-ray radiation, are layers of polyethylene and boron fiber and condensed in different materials for the manufacture of personal protective equipment / clothing used to protect to protect differentRadiation.

Electrostatic Discharge (ESD) protective clothing for electronics industry

Research carried out in different parts of the world for the use of ESD garments in electronics industry, which will be noted that approximately 30-50% of all failures in electronic products, producing a kind of electrical overload and may be recognized demonstrated where ESD is a type. Even if the old standard test methods to assess the functioning of modern clothing ESDprotectiveused in the electronics industry can not be measured properly and effectively. Therefore, a new European research project - clothing ESTAT - was launched in early 2002. The focus of this three-year project (2002-2005) is the standards body IEC TC101 provide a basis for the availability of clothing for the ESD-safe handling of sensitive ESD (ESD) describe equipment and applied to determine the appropriate test methods for the characterization of such ESD protective measuresClothing.

Polyethylene non-woven or different coatings are used to protect gas or chemical hazards

chemical defense suits and gas are widely accepted in the chemical and gas industry. Garments made of cotton or synthetic or PSA, preferably in chemical risks at low risk, while non-resistant coating and laminating in chemical protective clothing that creates a barrier to chemicals and gases must intrusion. Before batteries Plyethylene low-level protectionsubstance is used in PSA distribution in raw form, available with a polyethylene lining to form a high level of protection. The advanced fabric material according to the requirement of the workplace and the method used for higher degrees of protection.

Spunbond polyethylene fabric PPE for pesticide applications

Pesticides can go into the bodies of four ways, by mouth, skin, eyes and lungs. Skin contact is the most common cause, and some pesticides go intoaround the body through the skin a bit 'promptly. For protection from dangerous pesticides personal protective equipment such as long-sleeved shirt and long pants, shoes and socks, chemical resistant gloves Category A, unlined, chemical-resistant gloves to the elbow, etc. are common. The fabrics provide a barrier between tissue and air support, and the pesticide. Twill cotton tightly woven fabric provides superior protection as other pesticides. cotton suits are a common choicebecause of their accessibility, available light and its properties. The use of pesticides in powder, granules or powder, uncoated nonwoven fabrics is comfortable. Tyvek spun polyethylene fabrics are 100% bound by DuPont, is a sort of non-coated non-woven fabric.

Special para-form amides and polyethylene to protect cut / slash
As the food industry (slaughterhouses), forestry or the production of cement, if the employee works with uncertainMaterial (pine or seen), in this case are difficult to make webs of embarrassment for the PSA. special fibers such as aramid and polyethylene high-strength is widely used to make protective equipment or clothing. However, cotton is still the unprecedented opportunities for the fabric for the job. This means that long-sleeved cotton shirts and T-shirts are cotton pants also widespread.

Other protective clothing

As visibility clothing, life jackets, etc. PVCinfiltrated with fluorescent pigments and with different materials as needed. reflective materials are ideal for high-visibility clothing. A series of reflective material is used in the production of clothing and integrated bands. The general requirements and advanced to the construction of roads and police, as well as protection from dust, electrostatic, etc. and is widely used as protective devices.


The end user of protective equipment is the protector orConsumers themselves, after which the need to address the use of PSA and PSA in different environment, must be trained in primary consumers, or covering all the information about what led to protective devices? In many countries there seems to be a legislative rule or severe for employers or workers to protect themselves from dangerous workplace or the environment and the use of personal protective equipment required. E 'safeawareness of employees or workers to wear protective equipment in hazardous areas or in the workplace and the provision of appropriate personal protective equipment, stores and protects your business.

Protective clothing protects your business

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