The modern U.S. Army has a wide range of food to them in a base camp and field. There are a large number of MREs (which are actually very tasty) and other portable foods available to them when on missions and when stationed in hostile terrain. And if booked in a camp setting, the food is prepared pretty good. Much of it is of course the availability of large quantities of each type of food imaginable in today's modernEnvironment. In fact, today's soldiers the best food ever made available to a fighting force.
But it was not always so.
Take the Civil War. fuel the civil war kept the soldiers fed and not much else. Let's take a look at the diet, which together form the typical civil war ration cards. There were some problems that the food was up to civil war, the soldiers hit provided. These include the organization of the department commissioner - who has been charged with the acquisition andDistribution of food to soldiers in the field, the season that if the fresh food was available or whether it will in any way and the ability to remain in the food industry certainly good for the long-term storage and transport.
Before the war, the concentration of Commissioners of the North was like the civil war began, the North has had a big advantage, because they are in a police department that already exists, existing methods of acquisition and transport of food to soldiers in trainingField. Their task was to use the force levels and work schedules and maintain a constant supply of food will give each area, based at the troops, so that soldiers could fight without worrying about where their next meal would be come to. It took several years to keep the federal government, a Commissioner of the South team as a soldier was difficult to develop. And 'necessary attention will fight if you do not know where the next meal is coming from. For this reasonLack of infrastructure, had a lot of south in search of food before the storm do to the supply lines have been and are operational.
Civil War soldier food was generally very simple food - often meat, coffee, sugar and biscuits - a kind of dry biscuit. The meat was often salted or dried, it would take a bit 'more fruit and vegetables were rare on the battlefield. As the soldiers were often in the field, they had with their rations. They had aspecial case - called the bag of bread - the canvas with a wash cloth bag interior to get the food waste could be cleaned once in a while it was. But even with the project, the bags were often dirty and smelly. The cleaning was not generally very high on the priority list of Civil War soldiers.
Union soldiers and Confederate soldiers usually had a different mix of rations. A soldier salt pork Union could, fresh or salted beef, coffee, sugar, salt, vinegar, have driedFruits and vegetables. And if the season might have fresh carrots, onions, turnips and potatoes. A Confederate soldier typically had bacon, corn flour, tea, sugar, molasses and fresh vegetables very occasional.
The other difference in food civil war between the Union and Confederate army was the kind of bread product that had at their disposal. Confederate soldiers had something called "Johnnie Cake" that in the field of maize flour, milk and a few othersIngredients. The Union soldiers had biscuits, also known as "tooth obtuse" or "cracker tin." Hardtack was produced in large factories in the north and was a staple food for the soldiers of the Union. Hardtack its name because it is often only a few months after it was made and during that time, the hardened rock solid as his nickname.
As you can see, the food has a long way with the advent of technologies that enable better maintenance of aVariety of foods. Gone are the days of the weevil-infested biscuits. They have modern technology, vacuum food fresh and tasty year pay package after you have replaced it. And when they say an army is on its stomach, it's no surprise that the modern soldier is the best the world has ever seen.
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