Saturday, April 2, 2011

To listen to Get Paid - The Power of Communication in Business - A Story

!±8± To listen to Get Paid - The Power of Communication in Business - A Story

Recently a friend told me a good story. A story rich in meaning than most I've read or heard. It 's a story of a girl, her father and of a certain age. In retrospect, could the moral of the story is probably the source of wisdom, that Toyota, the largest car manufacturer in the world saved, until recently its biggest threat yet .... be a sticky throttle.

Effective communication requires listening to good music: a history

There was a girl, it's likemore children, a special place in his father's life. Of course, he spent so much time together. The girl's father, a good parent, took more effort, time with her daughter to be healthy, he spent could do.

The girl was not in that awkward age where the conversations about their menstrual flow would dominate the talks, the father decided to use the longer time they spent together, to deliver lessons that have consideredkept him in good stead through his life.

The lesson on the art of communication

Among many other things, decided the girl's father to his daughter, the art of listening stress.

So it happened that the child has acquired an extraordinary ability to listen. Even at a young age, his friends would often as he could tell that she had admired talks centuries ago. The girl was listening so well that they can easily recite the past andthis discussion with a precision that is amazing how he was envious.

What was the purpose of hearing all this music?

It 'happened that an elderly man living next door to the girl and her father. Every morning the old man and the girl's father was the first fence, the two talk for hours together. This ritual was an event that was the whole existence of the infatuated girl. As a result of a routine nature, it is barely perceptible, theGirls. In fact, if you were to ask her, had some conversations' with her. For our young audience, everyone is talking about trivial only for adults.

When the girl grew up, they got more benefit from their unique gift is soon the attention of their teachers, strangers, and, inevitably, his father. The girl, by his side, saw no better use for their gift of listening, because it is a means by which to entertain friends and enemies could not save. To them it was a different matter.

However, his father hadother plans. He decided to continue the task of the girls. After you know how proud he was, asked her something, you begin to hear what he said the old man.

The father also made a point to make clear to his daughter that the task would be completed only if he knew what had talks this week on everything.

He said (the father) to her (the girl) has estimated that the amount they could remember and then recitebut needs more. For them, to achieve this goal more, all I had to do was listen to the old.

The moral of the story

Time passed and she launched into his new role. Finally, after a while, 'the father came to her and asked if they find out what it is that the conversations that he and the old rule as had been found was about.

have made the point instead of the usual normal girl, she said: "The old man speaks of manyThings. Most are his many, many regrets in his life. "

At this point, looked at the father and daughter had the same few words: "Now go and listen to my daughter listen to the birds, rocks ..... listen to the universe."

The role of communication in business and the workplace

Serves as the communication medium on which transactions take place. E 'possible to assess the needs of the market, products are developed at a later time, distributes and markets and disputesbusiness operations are carried out. The total product of which is that communication is the paper on which transactions are posted.

In today's global economy, communication is of particular importance. This is mainly because the company more and more new customers and to work in cultural environments that need to be understood by those in their countries of origin.

Often occur, cultural and linguistic differences in the way of communication. For example, acommon expression as a smile can be easily misinterpreted in some parts of the world. While it is common to think of a smile as a sign of happiness, in most African cultures, a smile is a sign of embarrassment. This is especially true if the person is reduced smiles in front of the ground or other sweating conditions.When temperature of a collapse similar communication occurs in the workplace, the faces of the organization in question, the risk of failing to fulfill theirObjectives.

On a lighter note, it is said that in earlier times, the exposure of teeth as how to realize it when you smile, gave the attack, a fact that the first explorers to encounter delays in the indigenous tribes.

Eye contact is another example, while eye contact is desirable, can be seen on the other hand, as rough and as an intrusion of personal space in American culture, in Japan, insisting on eye contact.

Courses on communication: Effective communication islearn best when both taught and learned

The importance of effective communication in business is stressed in many of the classrooms where the future CEO, CFO, MD, and presidents of companies are fed. communication studies is also part of MBA programs and is also a stand-alone course in many business schools, colleges and universities offered.

On the other hand, there is no secret that coaching, the evolution of the phenomenon in small and medium-sizedThe development is totally dependent on good communication.

The signs could not be clear, this apparent "obsession" with the statement in the areas of corporate training, emphasizes the importance of axle-rod-type of communication in all forms of business, including online trading portals.

Now that we have appreciated the seriousness of this problem, I will not complain again this article to another, or try some pathetic semblance of a class, butLeadership in the way of my departure, I vomit profile and contextualize the idea of ​​more individuals estimated. The thoughts of leaders in all areas, which caused at some point on this critical issue and many speak drawn.

My wisdom for this unusual approach, stems from the recognition that the situation at hand is far from expected. Despite the range of communication theories developed in the recent past, effective communication remains an elusiveState. A condition that we have seen that an absolute must for the launch, grow and succeed in business.

This approach should not be seen as a mockery of the system of formal training, because in essence, borrowed heavily good programs like that. I also believe that the theories of communication in business schools and training workshops (for the development of human resources) were not the students with the advantage to gain a deeper understanding ofArt This deeper understanding provides the student with a flexible communication and social skills.

However, note that most of these training opportunities are offered at a premium. This makes them largely inaccessible to most entrepreneurs and owners would be.

Communication Etiquette

Q: What is the etiquette of communication?

They need, as a form of forgiveness, entrepreneurs can use simple, understandable and accessibleTools to improve their communication skills. One area that improvements can be made in order to ensure the viability of the etiquette of business communications. The key to understanding is to understand the label, which brings effective communication with them. You can see it in this light of behaviors or actions that could then be as rude in the way of communication. We put this in perspective, we need the words of a man who is known for his courage in the trade to considerCommunication. Irish literary critic, playwright and essayist George Bernard Shaw. I

"The biggest problem in communication is the illusion that it has happened." George Bernard Shaw, winner of 1925 Nobel Prize for literature, Wikipedia

A: George Bernard Shaw joints allow us the "Etiquette" crystallize in the management of business communications in four principles that need to be self-explanatory in communication:

* What isthat is the message communicated.

* If there is to say, that is time.

* So how is the form of medium.

* To those who say, that for the characterization of the recipient.

The what, when, how and where to say it the beacon monitoring, the fall of each operator in the dark of ineffective communication should be sought.

Practicing these four principles, including a good listener.

Because good hearing the same successBusiness

According to one theory from a scholar in the field of communication in front of Hayakawa, the quality of communication is directly influenced by the quality of listening. The hearing referred to here includes more than to hear the sound of words and keep a polite silence, during, or the perfect point of words like the girl in the story itself. E 'actively determine the meaning of the carriers of the message, with the sole purpose of this experimentinterpret (see the story ends), the message from the perspective of the carrier of the message.

A metaphor for this would be found in the common saying "to wear the shoes of others", only this time you should walk in them would be completed in Hayakawa description of what was to listen to include:

"Listening means trying to see, the problem of how the speaker sees it - what
does not mean he is sympathetic to the sentiment, but empathy,experience
with him. Active listening requires the inclusion of imagination and other
Colleagues of the situation and try to make a framework (life experience) to understand
than their own. "

This approach to music is the premise that a word can take on different ways to different people, instead of life rooted in their different life experiences. A common example cited to contain the power of this knowledge in the conduct of show business, the hilarious fiascothe entry of a leading European confectionery markets in the United States turned the company had the unfortunate name of "Zit", the language choice of a pimple in American cities, the way in which young people are problems.

Here the company had heard and thus is not his first hurdle. This is because the communication starts for the economy when the company takes its name. Listening to considering the different life experiences of this new market (AmericanMarket), the company has not considered what, when, how and to whom the above principles. The result was disastrous to say the least, confectionery company ended up sending a wrong message to the market, the eccentric from a dermatological condition instead of joy, pastry shops' are connected.

How, then, to learn a job, then listen to the communication between him and his business contacts?

A tip: pay attention to cultural differencescommunicate effectively in business


-Recognize that the carrier of the message has different perspectives and belief systems of your own.
-Do not rush to draw conclusions on its own spontaneous perceptions and prejudices.

Tip Two: To succeed in your business through the use of effective communication, empathy


Create-a search for meaning, as it is on the conveyor belt.
Ignore their belief systems and following the footsteps ofSpeakers and wear contact lenses.
Full-Stroke ask questions and clarify avoid being obnoxious, while on it.
Sputter conversation with the times, in which, again in a subtle way (just like the girl in the story), which informed the sponsor of the message already. This should always be mixed with the request for clarification from the second part, if I agree with your interpretation of it.

Tip three: Have courage: the courage to learn from the "cowardlyDog "

Summing up all the words of one of the world's most famous war-chief, Prime Minister of Britain, Winston Churchill

"Courage is what it takes to stand up and speak;. Courage is also what it takes to sit down and listen"

Fans of the show on Cartoon Network know, "courage" good. If not, this is an opportunity to practice what we already have good communication later. Get your son / daughter, brother or sister, younger niece / nephew, in principle,Do you know who watch the series, including adult education and family to listen to the way in which we introduce to courage.

However, the courage of a complex character, anxious and freaky looking dog, who lives with his Lord Eustace and his master's wife Muriel on a farm neglected. Their home is often dangerous, which are in the form of various characters and animals is uncanny cunning powers followed.

Courage in spite of a rather cowardly dog, very often saves his masterfrom destruction. Somehow he is the only member of the family, those familiar with the nature of his house is haunted. He is able to speak (I think it's a dog!) And it's easy to scare, but he always manages to overcome these disadvantages and to warn, sometimes its ferry masters in safety if the above unwelcome visitors.

Also learn to communicate well and to request a platform for tips 1 and 2, courage on the part of the hearer (the contractor?, Entrepreneurs?)is important. This is because, according to some schools of thought, the listener is in danger model Hayakawa influenced by the belief system of the carrier of the message. This influence is negative, if he wins, the listener can prior to that individual out of its principles to lose (which have developed over the years) is eroding.

Tip Four: Understanding the body language to communicate effectively and grow your business


- Be aware of the softeningApproach.

"Use non-verbal communication to soften the hardline position of others. S = Smile O = Open Posture, F = Forward Lean T = Touch E = Eye contact, N = Nod

itself as a standard routine, most of the entrepreneurs and the general population, they are painted. This means that to interpret and use a form of communication of verbal communication. This is because most people can not visually identify the accompanying form of language thatLanguage, body language, a form of non - verbal communication.

Personal space, speed, position, attitude, para-language, facial expressions, gestures, touch, movement, eye contact, jewelry, context, and physiological responses such as sweating and redness of the cheeks are just some of different categories of nonverbal communication.

All these forms of nonverbal communication are important tools for the discerning businessman. How? You might ask. We hope thoughtful considerationThe following examples may help to business scenarios, daily

Scenario 1: What are like the eyes of the elusive 'else?

Scenario 2: If the attitude that a lot of work needed to meet the eye contact now and then?

While possible subtle messages that can be selected scenarios in a careful analysis of body language of the parties to think, it should be noted that the language of the body is a constellation of symbols. These icons onlycommunicate (collectively bear sense if analyzed in isolation, as is the case with verbal forms of communication. The bottom line is that a certain body gestures must be interpreted in the context of the entire account. This is because each particular act can have many meanings, and therefore easily misinterpreted when parsed only.

Tip Five: join the band wagon-Neuro-Linguistic Programming (NLP), the new frontCommunication

You've probably by Derren Brown, a famous television presenter, entertainer and illusionist, the use of the palette of celebrities, the front and the nature of this pragmatic way of thinking to hear. It was also argued by some to stimulate the most important TV Babes Marylin Monroe GNP.

What is Neuro-Linguistic Programming (NLP)?

NLP explains the interaction of human organs of perception (of NeurologySystem like the brain, nerves, eyes, ears), language (and social norms) and belief systems (social rules, which constitute the aspect of programming). NLP explains how to address these factors in reality for a specific individual construct.
To illustrate this further, it is worth considering the description of the principles of NLP by one of pioneers in this field, Richard Bandler

"The authority to do what you do. This is not phobic to get his boots, shakingtheir blood pressure blowing through the roof, thinking: "This is not fear."

The object is to stay quiet about it and alert, and stay in their lane, and across the bridge, to ride standing up.
Ask yourself: "Can we do better?" To create these things we should be able to suspend the belief system we already have. Keep out of the way ...

These things are very, very personal. We're talking about basic beliefs about human ability to speak. Here is the onlyThe truth about it. Nobody knows. "

This statement by Richard Bandler includes the original constructs of the GNP. It asks people to be aware of the interactions between the neurological system, language and social programming in order to understand their perception of things, their reality.

In NLP it is believed that through understanding of these interactions can individuals can use one of the course, how they behave when you change to a meeting some stimulation. E 'therefore gives individuals the possibility of spontaneous natural response to difficult situations, control and decided, in a way that is most appropriate and useful behavior.

For example, public speaking is an insurmountable challenge for many. Palpitations, sweating and maceration of the United Nations, said tacyponea watching are all popular-Ables for most people, when asked to address a public platform. The triggering event for the United Nations wanted to chain of events (sweating, heart palpitationsetc.) in this case is easy to see how to speak in public! From this point it becomes possible for him by the reconstruction of our reality, as far as public speaking is concerned to prevent and stop it sees as a harmful situation, but as an opportunity.

This may seem a bit 'confusing, but is beyond the scope of this article GNP, but many sources of information about this topic is readily available on the Internet as Derren Brown videos on You Tube. It is worth to themas the GNP. This is particularly true when one considers that the GNP was an attempt to find ways in which individuals can be successfully developed to study and learn from the lives of people with great success.

Developed in 1970 America, NLP is based in use since then and journals of evidence has been shown an exact location of knowledge as well. Recently, private individuals and entrepreneurs have started courses on the mastery of the provisions of GDP and thento make it available for a wide range of needs.

been found, for example, GNP, is to be as important in communication studies, scientists have Dimmick as the importance of prepositions that NLP identified in the notice. This is because it has been shown to allow the user to understand reality as it is on the tape of the message. This, as we have already seen, good listening and communication.

With effective communication in promoting your business

One ofPillars of effective advertising is the application of the concept of pristine anchorage. The anchor is a concept in NLP it is grounded in a conviction of individuals promoting their own interests by exploiting a person's previous experience of an event or a symbol (such as the use of images and other media, audio-visual recognized the market for a particular market for the cause of action that the seller wants).

For example, symbolic colors, usually greenrefers to the earth, nature, life, environmental protection, and more recently green energy. A product may appeal to the goal of environmentally conscious people choose green as the color of the wrapper. This may also explain why green is the color commonly found for the recycling logo on the packaging of many household items.

Another common use of anchor in advertising, catchy phrases that special meaning for people of a particular cultural identity contribute to a saleProduct. An example that comes to mind the "Catch a Big Mac" is used in advertising for a leading fast-food hamburger franchise.

Effective Communication: The Case of Toyota Auto Recall

Recently he conducted the world's largest automobile to a recall on many of its best known brands in the world after news of a rupture of the gas pedal, which has made a threat to its customers. It should be noted that its always the economy, the possibility of recallreal, even in situations where control measures are well organized and high quality production standards are met. This should warn us that the situation is unique Toyota Toyota in any way.

According to a report published in 2003 by the British Retail Consortium, this event (callback) usually occur without warning and in the course, they represent serious threats to the reputation of a company and its brand. Therefore, the future profits of the company is in dangeras the brand as a basic business information to us that a brand is the main way of communicating through the company with its market focus.

The same report says the British Retail Consortium Communication is key in dealing with a recall. The step is crucial for a successful recall process is the creation of a system of information management. This system should be easily accessible, even from remote locations. The information system should allow rapid detection ofcrucial information such as serial numbers, brand, batch number and the distribution area of ​​the defective product.

The response team during a call should be set up communication channels with the right to ensure the smooth running of the process. A good information management system also allows the companies involved, to control the information available to the public. This allows the company room to avoid damage to the brand and to minimize the effects extend to othercover products could also be produced.

A good information management system allows tracking of products. The traceability of products in a recall, starts with the investigation of the origin of raw materials in the manufacture of the product throughout its distribution chain and is used to end up with its consumption.

Toyota has managed to emerge from this autumn, as in its recent financial results, which showed a strong late run at a profit of 2 billion dollars, asimilar to that which had cost the recall campaign, the company, whose home in Detroit, sister city in Japan-Toyota Quantity. On this, Toyota has suffered a penalty of $ 16,000,000 for the mishandling of an aspect of communication. Despite his efforts, including his defense of the President of Toyoda tears his company before a Senate committee, Toyota was still standing, because the regulatory authorities with sufficient information about a possible break in the chain of quality, guilty of deathin America. Such, the cost of mis-communication.

How is it useful for a small business owner?

Remember they were here as an indicator for the area to pull back, that a company has suffered during operations. Operators can choose this example and teachings to extrapolate from this, if your company has to resolve a dispute with a customer, supplier, and also the regulatory authority.

Online business is the business of effective communication

In the words ofEntrepreneur turned mogul, icon of the world, role model, philanthropist and self-confessed nerd becomes "most popular kid on the playground," the world's most successful entrepreneur Bill Gates:

"I think it's fair to say that PCs are the most empowering tool we've ever created. They are tools of communication, they are tools of creativity, and can be shaped by their user "..... ....

"I am a great believer that any tool that enhances communication has profoundEffects in terms of how people can learn from each other, and how to achieve the kind of freedom that they are interested "

The producers of online content they can use communication skills to increase their audience and then tied their revenue service portals such as Google AdSense or Yahoo ads. Those who applied online publishing portals like Triond, Bukisa, such as e-readers, helium (where freelancers, bloggers and online writers to give a home to earn money while available)Mastering should Obuolo and on-line communications, as in the heart of his business. In a manner similar to the instances mentioned above, their success in cyberspace, and calculating the mark in the crowded blogosphere depends on how the master of communication.

SEO is search engine communication

It may surprise many who have to communicate a lot about optimization techniques for search engines just like the ways that publishers caneffectively with search engines.

The other popular technique used in online business to increase website traffic, the exchange of articles on social-networking sites like Stumble Upon, Facebook and Digg, the confidence in the quality of communication between members of social networks, Internet users and suppliers of goods and products online.

Mao Tse-tung in listening and communication:

Following this rather long article that is worth reflecting on the words of founding fatherof modern China, Mao Tse-tung:

"We should know to never, know, we should not be ashamed to ask and learn from people below, and we should listen carefully to the views of the cadres at the lowest level. Being a student before becoming a teacher to learn the frameworks lower levels before you order. "
Mao Tse-tung

To listen to Get Paid - The Power of Communication in Business - A Story

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